SCERTS Framework
SCERTS® is a comprehensive intervention model for children and older individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and their families.
Who developed SCERTS?
The SCERTS Model collaborators include the team of Barry Prizant, Amy Wetherby, Emily Rubin, and Amy Laurent, who have training in Speech-Language Pathology, Special Education, Behavioral and Developmental Psychology, Occupational Therapy and Family-Centered Practice.

The acronym “SCERTS” refers to the focus on:
“SC” – Social Communication – the development of spontaneous, functional communication, emotional expression and secure and trusting relationships with children and adults.
“ER” – Emotional Regulation – the development of the ability to maintain a well-regulated emotional state to cope with everyday stress, and to be most available for learning and interacting.
“TS” – Transactional Support – the development and implementation of supports to help partners respond to the person’s needs and interests, modify the environment, and provide tools to enhance
learning. Specific plans are developed to provide educational and emotional support to families, and to foster teamwork among professionals.
“SC” – Social Communication – the development of spontaneous, functional communication, emotional expression and secure and trusting relationships with children and adults.
“ER” – Emotional Regulation – the development of the ability to maintain a well-regulated emotional state to cope with everyday stress, and to be most available for learning and interacting.
“TS” – Transactional Support – the development and implementation of supports to help partners respond to the person’s needs and interests, modify the environment, and provide tools to enhance
learning. Specific plans are developed to provide educational and emotional support to families, and to foster teamwork among professionals.

How does SCERTS compare to other approaches?
The SCERTS curriculum is developmentally sequenced and provides a systematic framework that ensures that specific skills and appropriate supports, stated as educational objectives, are selected and applied in a consistent manner across different settings such as home, school and community. This process allows families and
educational teams to draw from a wide range of evidence-based practices that, with a specific focus on promoting initiated communication and emotional regulation in everyday activities.
educational teams to draw from a wide range of evidence-based practices that, with a specific focus on promoting initiated communication and emotional regulation in everyday activities.