Partial Enrollment Application Form For the admission of your child in Oasis fill in the following form and submit it in the School Office: Partial Enrollment Application Form Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. - Step 1 of 5Name *FirstLastDate of Birth *Nationality *Mailing Address *Mobile No *Residence Phone No.School’s Attended (Most recent school first)Name of SchoolLocationFrom ClassTo ClassReason for LeavingNextGuardian/Father’s Name *FirstLastMailing Address(If Different)Phone Number During School Hours *Evening *E-mail Address *CNIC Number *OccupationDesignationOrganizationLives with Student *YesNo Mother’s Name *FirstLastMailing Address(If Different) Phone Number During School Hours *Evening *Mother’s E-mail Address *CNIC Number *Occupation DesignationOrganizationLives with Student *YesNoGuardian’s NameFirstLastMailing Address(If Different)Phone Number During School HoursPhonePreviousNextHas your child ever been Assessed for ASD / Specific Needs Before *Yes NoIf yes, please include DetailsAre there any particular medical problems your child may be experiencing which his/her teacher should be aware of ?Conditions/diagnosis other than Autism (i.e. Epilepsy (if any):AllergiesFoodEnvironmentalMedicinesPlease answer the following questions to help us better understand your child:Does your child have any of the following needs?VerbalNonverbalSpeech/Communication Preferences (tell us how does the child communicate his/her needs?)Sensory Sensitivities (Is your child sensitive to any of these? (check all that apply)Auditory (sounds)Visual (lights)Tactile (touch, nails cutting, hair cutting)Olfactory (sensitive to smells)Oral motor (picky eater, mouthing objects)Physical needs (does your child have any physical or mobility needs?)Behavioral needs Describe any challenging behaviors.How do you manage it?PreviousNextNameAgeSchool AttendedPreviousNextNameRelation with childPhone AddressPreviousSubmit