We’re glad you’re interested in Oasis School for Autism and look forward to helping you navigate the application process.

Oasis School for Autism is an exclusive facility designed to tailor the education and therapy needs of students on the spectrum. Most children with ASD are smart children with language-based learning difficulties who desperately want to succeed but who may not be in a structured learning environment.

Our application process is designed not only to help your child but also your family.

Visit us and determine if our program is the right fit for your child. If at any time you need assistance, please don’t hesitate to email or call us.

We are happy to help!

Admission Process

The Admission process is rolling for three levels: Early Intervention (aged 3-8 years), Middle (aged 6-12 years), and young adults(13- 18 years). We review applications as we receive them and make admissions decisions throughout the school year.

Applications will be reviewed on a space and funds available basis.

Our admission process is thoughtful and comprehensive. To that end, our process may vary slightly from family to family so that we may learn about each child more fully.

For families interested in Full-enrollment and Partial Services Programme, we offer a combined application.

  • Application
  • Review
  • Visit
  • Decision
  • Email
Complete Our Application
1. To start the process, Download the above pdf file
2. Fill the form with all the necessary details
3. Save as a PDF and email to
Application Review
After careful review of your child’s completed application, we will contact you to discuss possible next steps.
Visit Our Campus
If we feel our program might be able to serve your child’s needs, we will schedule a visit for your family. The structure of the visit varies by age and cognitive requirement of your child.
Make a Decision
After the visit, we will be in touch as quickly as possible to share an admission decision.
Send Us An Email
In case of any queries, you can send us your contact details and we will get back to you soon.

What are the Supportive Documents you will Need to Complete Your Application

1. A completed Oasis School preliminary application. If this fee represents a financial hardship, we are happy to provide a fee waiver. Please inquire.

2. Your child’s most recent neuropsychological or psychiatric evaluation. This report must include results from a cognitive assessment from a recognized Clinical Psychologist/ Psychiatrist. The report must exhibit a clear diagnosis and social-emotional testing that was administered. All evaluations and reports must be dated within the last 20 months.

3. Speech and language evaluation (within last 24 months) and/or current IEP, if applicable. If your child does not have a speech and language evaluation or an IEP, this step is not required.

Our Full Enrollment & Partial Services Programme Fee Structure:

We offer fee concessions only for fully Enrolled students given the availability of funds. To learn more, please reach out (Concession Form). We are here to help.