Early Years Curriculum Areas
Our Early Years program is developed by a multidisciplinary team including Clinical and School Psychologist, Speech and Language Pathologist, Occupational Therapist and Special needs Educationists to provide a holistic developmental journey, recognizing and celebrating the unique strengths of each child. With a blend of evidence-based practices and tailored interventions, we create a supportive and purposeful environment where curiosity takes flight. Through creative exploration, sensory engagement, and individualized attention, we lay the foundation for lifelong learning. At Oasis, we believe in fostering not only academic growth but also social communication, emotional regulation and independence for embracing the world.
Our curriculum is structured around three primary areas of focus and four specific domains:
Primary Areas of Focus:
  • Personal Social and Emotional Development: We nurture emotional well-being and social skills to help children build healthy relationships and self-confidence.
  • Communication and Language: Our approach fosters effective communication through various aids and techniques, including Makaton, ensuring that each child’s communication needs are met.
  • Physical Development: We encourage physical exploration and activity to enhance motor skills and overall well-being.


Specific Domains:
  • Literacy: We lay the foundations for language and literacy skills, fostering a love for reading, writing, and expression.
  • Numeracy: Our approach introduces mathematical concepts in engaging ways, promoting numerical understanding and problem-solving skills.
  • Understanding of the World: Through hands-on experiences, we cultivate curiosity about the world, encouraging children to explore and make connections.
  • Expressive Arts and Design: Children are given opportunities to express themselves through creative activities, nurturing their artistic and imaginative abilities.
At Oasis School For Autism, our experienced staff provide a supportive learning environment that blends child-initiated and guided activities. We utilize both indoor and outdoor spaces to encourage exploration and active engagement in learning. Through regular interactions, discovery, and communication, children are empowered to express their thoughts and preferences.
We value routine and structure, aiding children in understanding expectations. Consistent approaches, supported by visual cues, provide a sense of predictability and comfort. Communication is a priority, and we employ Makaton and various communication aids tailored to each child’s needs.
Why Our Early Years Program?
Our curriculum encourages interactions and relationships, promoting confidence and self-worth in every child. We respect that each child’s development journey is unique, and we lay a strong foundation in the Early Years at Oasis School For Autism to guide their ongoing learning adventure.